











(例)申込者に対し破産手続や民事再生手続開始の決定がなされた場合/依頼業務が法令等に違反する可能性が発覚した場合 等


①法令違反・犯罪行為に関連する行為 ②公序良俗に違反する行為 ③弊社又は弊社サービスの他の利用者その他の第三者(以下まとめて「弊社等」)の著作権等の知的財産権・肖像権・プライバシーの権利・名誉・その他の権利又は利益を侵害する行為 ④弊社等に対して、コンピューターウィルスその他有害なプログラム等を送信する行為、又、弊社等のサーバーやネットワーク等を攻撃・妨害・破壊する行為(不要な大容量データの送信、情報の改ざん又は不正アクセス等の不適切行為を含む)⑤弊社等の事業運営・サービス提供等を妨害する他、弊社等に何らかの不利益・損害・不快感を与える行為 ⑥他人その他適切な権限ある者になりすまして弊社サービスに申込又は利用する行為 ⑦弊社に対して事実に反する情報・虚偽情報を提供する行為 ⑧弊社サービスを通じて提供する情報(弊社ホームページに公開する情報を含む)の全部又は一部について営利目的・商業目的で利用(再販売を含む)する行為 ⑨上記各号に類する行為









  • 帰化業務における途中キャンセルの場合、一律半額の実働報酬が発生します。不許可の場合、報酬全額を返金します。但し、事実と異なる申告や隠匿等があった場合や申請から2年以上経過した案件については、結果に関わらず返金できません。


  • 在留資格に関する成功報酬金は、出入国在留管理局から許可見込の通知書(ハガキ又はメール)又は在留資格認定証明書を受領した時点で支払いただきます。支払が確認できた後で、申込者に対して、在留カードや在留資格認定証明書を交付します。申込者が、郵送での交付・申込者以外への交付を希望した場合、それにより申込者等に損害・不利益等が生じた場合でも弊社は一切責任を負いません。なお、通常郵便以外の方法での交付を希望する場合、事前に申込者に通知の上、当該交付方法に要する実費をご負担いただきます。


  • 弊社業務は、原則申請書(例:事業計画書)の作成です。申請前に必ず内容の適切性・実現可能性を確認してください。補助金等は必ず受給できるものではなく、要件・補助対象経費の該当性、採択等の可否、交付決定額及び実際の受領金額等について弊社は一切の責任を負いかねます。補助金は、実際に使用した経費に対する補助(事後支給)の為、採択の場合、採択された計画等に基づき申込者自身にて一旦経費全額を負担する必要があります。補助金ごとの公募要領の定めに抵触する場合(例:必要な相見積がない場合・採択された補助事業内容を変更する場合)、採択されても補助金が減額・不支給となる場合があります。弊社サポートは、原則採択結果発表までです。補助事業の実施・その後の実績報告・収益納付等は、申込者の責任においてご自身で対応してください。


  • 一の自治体等における一の申請種別を1件として報酬を算出します。申請書作成業務及び申請代行業務には、申請期日の調査・管理業務は含まず、期日の調査・管理は申込者自身が自らの責任において行います。何らかの事由で定期受付ができなかった場合、次回随時受付で申請することで双方異議がないものとします。申請期日の調査・管理業務の場合、原則2週間に1度の頻度で調査を行い、その結果を申込者に報告します。弊社からの納品物は、弊社からの確認依頼後、原則3営業日(弊社基準/特段の指示があった場合を除く)以内に、弊社に確認結果(修正希望の場合は修正内容も)を通知してください。何ら通知がない場合は、内容に問題がなかったものとみなします。


  • 申込者等が申込フォームに入力した内容に従って申請します。メールアドレス等の入力間違いや不備、誤った内容で認定され電力会社で接続不可となった場合を含め、入力内容に関する損害・不利益等について弊社は一切の責任を負いかねます。何らかの事由で手続きができなかった場合、以後遅滞なく行うことで双方異議がないものとします。情報提供業務は、最新情報を網羅的に調査・提供するものではありません。 


  • 弊社では、調査日時点で、行政機関への調査・ヒアリング(電話・FAX・訪問による照会、行政HP検索)及び目視による対象物件の実地調査(ただし、案件によっては実施しない場合がある)の結果把握できた内容をもとに、重要事項説明書を作成・納品します。弊社が行う実地調査は、目視による簡易調査であり、掘削・計測・建物内への立入等を伴う実地調査は行いません。弊社判断で道路幅員等の計測・測定を行う場合がありますが、あくまでも行政資料との明らかな相違がないことを確認する為の概測なので、実際の道路幅員等は申込者自身で確認してください。
  • 弊社判断で、依頼業務の遂行に必要な範囲で、対象物件の敷地内や共有区画等への立入をする場合があります。申込者は、申込者の責任において、事前に必要な関係者への共有・調整等をした上で弊社へご依頼ください。
  • 納品した重要事項説明書の使用にあたっては、使用時点の法規制・業界慣習、実際の対象物件の状況、契約締結相手の属性や契約内容等をふまえ、適宜修正の上、利用してください。重要事項説明書の内容の適否・現地との相違・その他利用に伴う一切の損害について、弊社は責任を負いません。また、行政機関への調査等に時間を要する場合も想定される為、申込者が希望する納期(見積書【兼申込書】又は申込フォームに記載する納品希望日や納品目安等を含む)までの納品はお約束できず、納期について弊社は一切責任を負いません。




Terms of Service (Notice of Estimation or Contract with us)

This Terms of Service describes all services provided by Support Gyoseishoshi Law Firm and SG Consulting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “company/ us “) that require the consent of its users (hereinafter referred to as “Applicant”). This Terms of Use shall apply to any relationship between us and the applicants. Applicants must carefully review and be sure to accept the terms of use before applying. Upon the application from the applicant to us, we carry out our work on the understanding that the applicant agrees to this Terms of Use.

1. About application to our company, etc.

(1) After the application from the applicant (submission of filled “ESTIMATION & APPLICATION FORM” or the completion of the application on our prescribed web application form (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Application Form”), hereinafter collectively referred to as “application”, the delegation contract will be established upon receipt of an acceptance notification e-mail (an email indicating our intention to accept your case; the same applies below) from our company. We will provide services based on the delegation contract until the support deadline (meaning the deadline for our company to provide support for the requested work, as specified in the “ESTIMATION & APPLICATION FORM” or the “Application Form”; the same applies below). If we complete the delegated tasks before the support deadline, we will finish the contract on the date when we complete them. In addition, if there are essential tasks (for example, the correction after the application and the acceptation of the permission) after support deadline, we will deal with them free of charge.
(2) Before accepting the application, we may ask the applicant or other related parties (hereinafter referred to as “Applicants.”) to present their ID. If the applicants cannot be identified or do not meet our necessary requirements, we may refuse to accept the appointment at our discretion. In principle, applications are made by persons (hereinafter referred to as “applicants”) who have the right to apply for delegated work (hereinafter referred to as “requested work”). In the case that the application is made by an agent (agency application), the agent shall have the appropriate authority of representation and shall bear all rights and responsibilities related to the business requested, including the compliance of the applicant as specified in these Terms of Use. In the case of an agency application, our company may confirm the applicant’s intention. If an applicant applies for the relatives at the same time, the applicant must get permission from all relatives before applying. At the request of the applicant, our company creates documents (including obtaining necessary certificates), applies, and arranges related to the request. In the event of an unexpected business (including measures to deal with non-permission, etc.), a separate application is required.
(3) Regarding the delegation contract via the “Application Form”: After the application is received from the applicant, an application acceptance e-mail is automatically sent from our company, but at this point, the delegation contract has not been established. Only when we separately send an acceptance notification e-mail, the contract for this application will be established upon arrival of said acceptance notification e-mail. We may not send an acceptance notification e-mail at our discretion if, for example, we do not expect to be able to fulfill the requirements or documents, in which case we will not perform the services related to the application and will not be liable for their fulfillment. In addition, the applicant shall perform various operations on the “Application Form” under his/her own name and within the scope of his/her own authority, and shall bear all responsibility thereby. The Company shall deem that the applicant’s declaration of intention in the “Application Form” is made by the applicant himself/herself within the scope of his/her proper and valid authority.

2. About the performance of requested work

(1) The applicant shall actively and comprehensively provide the necessary cooperation for the performance of the request, and if we determine that it is difficult to proceed with the request, such as not obtaining the necessary cooperation, we will stop providing our service. In that case, we are not responsible for any damage or disadvantage to the applicants due to the suspension. Please be sure to contact us in writing (including e-mail) for important matters related to the request.
(2) With regard to the application to the administrative organization (including the application agency to the Immigration Bureau), the applicant shall delegate all authority to us and our Gyoseishoshi. The application method (e.g., separation of application by the applicant himself/herself and application by us, counter, mail, and electronic application) for the requested business shall be determined by our company, and the applicant shall comply with the decision. We do not accept any application or preparation of documents that are not true. If there is any change in the information provided to us as the requested work progresses, the applicant should inform us of this as soon as possible. If the applicant falsely declares to us, conceals, or delays in informing us of any damage or disadvantage to the applicant, we will not be responsible for any failure to do so, and the applicant will be obliged to pay the full remuneration. (We will not refund the payment already paid)
(3) We may re-entrust part of the requested work to a third party at our discretion (including sharing of information), and we are solely responsible for the appointment and supervision of the third party. If there is a person involved, such as an introducer, our company shall be able to share information about the requested work with the person concerned as necessary.
(4) [In the case of the order with application]
Applicants are requested to submit all necessary documents and information at least 3 business days prior to the scheduled application date (except under our company’s standards/special instructions). Before applying, the applicant must make sure that there is no problem with the contents of the application, such as the documents prepared by our company and the certificates obtained. Applicants should inform us of the results of the confirmation within 5 business days (except under our company’s standards/special instructions). If there is no notice, we will understand that there was no problem with the contents. Regarding the requested work, we will correct any errors in the documents discovered before and during the application, but we will not deal with any errors discovered after the completion of the work, in that case, a separate application is required.

3. About the use of deliverables

(1) Applicants shall treat confidential information disclosed by our company in connection with the request in advance unless otherwise agreed by our company in writing. In addition, all rights related to the submissions, reports, and other documents and materials (hereinafter referred to as “deliverables”) (including intellectual property rights such as copyrights, trademarks, and portraits) provided by us belong to us. Applicants shall not reproduce, quote, provide, etc. without permission (except for the purpose of request). If we find out any event of using our materials, documents which may harm us or third party’s right or profit, we may file a claim against the applicants. If the applicant uses the deliverables within the scope of the purpose of the request, the applicant shall be responsible, and we shall not be responsible for any damage or disadvantage to the applicants. We will dispose of the documents of the case that have passed a certain period of time after the completion of the requested work.

4. About payment of remuneration

(1) In principle, our company’s compensation consists of a “retainer fee” and a “contingency fee”. The “retainer fee” will be required at the time of the establishment of the delegation contract and will not be refunded regardless of the result of the requested work. We will not start the request until we confirm the payment of the retainer fee, and if we cannot confirm the payment within the deadline, we will treat it as a cancellation after a certain grace period. “Contingency fee” is only be required when parts or all of the requested work are successful (permission, adoption, etc.) or when the requested work is completed. However, in the event of unsuccessful (non-permission, non-admission, etc.) due to falsehood, concealment, etc. of the applicant, the full contingency fee needs to be paid.
(2) In the case that the contract is terminated due to the arrival of the support deadline, the applicant shall pay the full remuneration despite of the state of progress. If the applicant cancels, or withdraws, actual working compensation based on the amount of work that has occurred up to that time will be paid. The amount of actual remuneration shall be determined by our company based on the amount and time of work generated, the percentage of work progress, the cause of withdrawal, etc., and the applicant shall comply with the determination.
(3) The applicant shall bear the actual cost of [application expenses to be paid to administrative agencies, etc. and acquisition of various certificates]. In the event that a business trip is required in connection with the requested work, or in the event that the applicant wishes to send the requested work by a method other than regular mail, the applicant will be notified in advance and will be required to pay the daily allowance, transportation, accommodation, and mailing costs (e.g., motorcycle delivery, international mail, etc.).
(4) In principle, our company’s remuneration and other expenses shall be paid by bank transfer due to the date specified by our company, and the transfer fee shall be borne by the applicant (including the destination remittance fee and yen exchange handling fee in the case of overseas remittance). In the event of a delay in payment, the applicant shall pay us an annual delay of 14.6% in damages to the invoice amount.

5. About the termination of work

(1) The established delegation agreement shall terminate as of the earliest date of completion of the business or the support deadline. If the applicant wishes to continue our service after the termination of the contract, we will conclude a contract again. However, in any of these following cases, we are not responsible for terminating the delegation contract (cancel) or stopping providing our services at our discretion. The applicant does not object to the decision at all, and we are not responsible for any damage, disadvantage, etc. caused by the decision.
(a) In the case that we cannot contact the applicants, or find it difficult to maintain the information, necessary requirements, etc, or when it is determined that the completion of the requested work is not expected.
(b) In the case that the applicants violate or suspect the contract with us including these Terms of Service, etc.
(c) In the case that the applicants have committed gross negligence or breach of faith that damages the trust with our company.
(d) If the payment of the remuneration requested by our company cannot be confirmed even when the due date is exceeded. 
(e) Besides the conditions above, in the case that we find it is difficult or inappropriate to continue the requested work.
  (e.g.) When bankruptcy proceedings or civil rehabilitation proceedings are made to the applicant/ when we found out that the requested
work is in violation of laws and regulations, etc.
(2) Our company and the applicant may terminate the contract, etc. by giving one month’s prior written notice to the other party. In such case, in accordance with the provisions of 4. (2) above, our company and the applicant shall settle the actual remuneration based on the volume of work, etc. that has occurred up to the time of such termination. The amount of the actual remuneration shall be determined at the discretion of our company, and the applicant shall comply with such determination.

6. About elimination of relationships with antisocial forces and other prohibited matters

(1) The applicants themselves (in the case of a legal corporation, including its officers, employees, and shareholders. The same shall apply hereinafter) must not be anti-social forces (those who have not been a member of a gang for five years since they died, quasi-members of a gang, companies related to gangs, general assembly houses, social movements, etc. The same shall apply hereinafter) and shall ensure that there is no relationship or involvement with anti-social forces, etc. both now and in the future. The applicant undertakes and guarantees that he or she will not use violence, excessive demand, threatening behavior, use violence, spread rumors, using fraudulent means or power to discredit us, interfere with our business, etc. In the event that the applicant violates these representations, we shall terminate all contracts with the applicant immediately and cease to provide the Service without any notice or other procedures. The applicant does not object to this, and we are not responsible for any damage, disadvantage, etc. caused by such measures.
(2) The applicant shall not engage in any of the following acts (including acts that may lead to such acts) in connection with the use of our services. If the applicant violates such acts, our company shall take necessary measures against the applicant, such as demanding an injunction against the violating act and suspending the provision of our services. The applicant shall comply with such measures taken by our company, and shall be liable to compensate our company for any and all damages incurred by our company, etc. as a result of such violation. Our company shall not be liable for any violation by the applicant or any damage caused thereby, such as: (a) Acts related to violations of laws and regulations or criminal acts (b) Acts that violate public order and morals (c) Acts that infringe on the copyrights or other intellectual property rights, portrait rights, rights of privacy, honor, or other rights or interests of our company, other users of our services, or other third parties (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Company, etc.”) (d) Transmitting computer viruses or other harmful programs to the Company, or attacking, interfering with, or destroying the Company’s servers or network, etc. (including inappropriate acts such as the transmission of unnecessary large volume data, falsification of information, or unauthorized access) (e) Acts that interfere with our business operations, provision of services, or otherwise cause disadvantage, damage, or discomfort to us (f) Acts of applying for or using our services by impersonating another person or other person with appropriate authority (g) Providing false or factually incorrect information to our company (h) acts of using (including resale) all or part of the information provided through our services (including information published on our website) for profit-making or commercial purposes (i) Acts similar to those listed above.

7. About handling of Personal Information

(1) Our company will use the personal information of applicants according to [Privacy policy: (https://www.shigyo.co.jp/privacy)]. Applicants must make sure to review carefully and agree to the contents of this policy before applying, and applicants must agree to this policy at the time of submitting the application. In addition, the applicants agree in advance that we will ask for the customer’s feedback and we will post on our website or brochure based on our company’s judgment.

8. About the disclaimer

(1) Our company is not responsible for the availability of results related to the requested work, the completion time, the issuance time of the permit, etc. (including the residence card), and the start time of business. We are not responsible for any damage or disadvantage caused to the applicant if we do not obtain the necessary materials, information, etc., or if the applicant does not follow the predetermined business procedures, etc. We will not be responsible for any information leakage, such as natural disasters, infectious diseases, legislation, revision, abolition, traffic closure, delay or loss in mailing or delivery, information and communication problems (including e-mail address differences or non-delivery).
(2) The materials and information provided by us in the course of research, reporting, commentary, auditing, consulting, and other services include information based on our own experience and views, and we do not guarantee their accuracy, timeliness, or completeness. We shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, or punitive damages, loss of profits, etc., arising out of or in connection with the materials and information provided by us.

9. About the compensation for damages

(1) Our company and the applicant can claim any damages caused to the other parties in violation of any of the provisions of the contract or this Terms of Service (hereinafter collectively, “This Contract”), only when direct and ordinary damages (which do not include special damages and lost profits) are caused in reality. In addition, for each contract pertaining to the requested business, the maximum amount of compensation shall be either the remuneration amount or the lower amount of one million yen. In the event of damage or loss of items (including certificates obtained) that we keep from the applicant, we will compensate the real fee of the items if it is possible to reacquire and up to 100,000 yen if it is not possible to reacquire.

10. Points of Attention by different business

[Business related to naturalization application]

  • In the case of non-permission, we will refund the full amount of the remuneration to the applicant. However, if there is a declaration or concealment that is not true, or if more than two years have passed since the application, we cannot refund regardless of the result.

[Business related to Status of Residence]

  • Successful remuneration for eligibility will be paid when you receive a notification of prospective permission (postcard or e-mail) or a certificate of eligibility from the Immigration Bureau. After the payment is confirmed, we will go to issue the residence card and a certificate of eligibility at the Immigration Bureau to the applicant. If the applicant wishes to deliver it by mail or to someone other than the applicant, we shall not be responsible for any damage or disadvantage to the applicant. In addition, if you wish to receive it by a method other than regular mail, you must notify us in advance and bear the actual cost of the delivery method.

[Business related to subsidies, benefits, grants, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “subsidies”]

  • In principle, our service is to prepare an application (e.g., business plan). Please be sure to confirm the appropriateness and feasibility of the contents before applying. Subsidies are not always granted. We will not be responsible for the eligibility of the subsidy to the requirements and eligible expenses, adoption or otherwise, the amount of the subsidy decision, or the actual amount received. The subsidy is for expenses actually spent (payment after the fact), so in the case of adoption, the applicant must bear the full amount of expenses based on the adopted plan, etc. once it has been adopted. If there is a conflict with the provisions of the public application guidelines for each subsidy (e.g., if there are no necessary quotations, if the contents of the adopted subsidy project are changed, etc.), the subsidy may be reduced or rejected even if the project has been adopted. In principle, our support will be provided until the announcement of the results of the adoption. The applicant is responsible for the implementation of the subsidized project, reporting of the project results, and payment of the subsidy proceeds.

[Business related to bidding qualifications]

  • Compensation is calculated for one application type per municipality, etc. Application preparation and application agency services do not include research and management of application deadlines, and the applicant is responsible for researching and managing deadlines on his/her own.  If for some reason the regular application cannot be accepted, both parties shall have no objection to the application being accepted at any time during the next application period. In the case of research and management services for the application due date, in principle, research will be conducted once every two weeks, and the results will be reported to the applicant. Please notify us of the results of the confirmation (and any revisions you wish to make, if any) within 3 business days (our standard/unless otherwise instructed) after we request confirmation of the deliverables. If we do not receive any notification, we will assume that there is no problem with the contents.

[Business related to business plan approval]

  • We are not liable for any damage or disadvantage related to incorrect information such as incorrectly entered email address or incompleteness, and your application has been approved based on such incorrect information, including cases where the connection is not available due to the power company. If for some reason the procedure is not completed, both parties agree that it will be completed without delay thereafter. The information provision service is not intended to exhaustively provide or research the latest information.

[Business related to the Important Matters Explanatory Statement (investigation, preparation, etc.)]

  • We prepare and deliver an Important Matters Explanatory Statement based on the information we have obtained as a result of surveys and hearings with administrative agencies (telephone, fax, inquires by visits, and searches of administrative websites) and visual inspections of the subject property (however, this may not be conducted depending on the case) as of the survey date. Our on-site survey is a simple visual survey, and does not involve excavation, measurement, or entry into the building. We may measure the width of the road at our discretion, but this is only a rough measurement to confirm that there are no obvious differences from the government data, so the actual width of the road should be confirmed by the applicant.
  • At our discretion, we may enter the premises of the subject property or common areas, etc. to the extent necessary for the execution of the requested work. Applicants are responsible for sharing and coordinating with the necessary parties in advance before making a request to our company.
    The applicant should confirm the actual width of the road, etc. on his/her own.
  • When using the delivered Important Matters Explanatory Statement, please make appropriate revisions based on the laws and regulations and industry customs at the time of use, the actual condition of the subject property, the attributes of the parties to the contract, the contents of the contract, etc. We shall not be liable for the suitability of the contents of the Important Matters Explanatory Statement, discrepancies with the actual site, or any other damages resulting from its use. In addition, since it is assumed that it may take time to conduct investigations with administrative agencies, etc., we cannot promise delivery by the desired delivery date (including the desired delivery date and estimated delivery date, etc., stated in “ESTIMATION & APPLICATION FORM” or the “Application Form”), and we shall not be liable for any delivery date.

11. About Change of the Terms of Service and Other matters

(1) If you wish to change the Terms of Service, we shall set out a special contract that differs from the Terms of Service. In that case, we shall give priority to the special contract rather than the Terms of Service.
(2) Terms of Service shall apply to each delegation contract at the time the applicant submitted the application (submission of the signed “ESTIMATION & APPLICATION FORM”). The contents of the Terms of Service are subject to change at our discretion, so the applicant shall check the latest Terms of Service and apply with his/her consent every time he/she makes a contract.
(3) If any or part of this Contract is deemed invalid or unenforceable by new laws and regulations, the rest of the provisions of this Contract and the rest of the provisions deemed invalid or unenforceable shall continue to be fully effective. This Contract shall be governed by the laws of Japan, and all disputes arising from this Agreement, etc. shall be governed by the Tokyo District Court as the exclusive jurisdiction of the first instance.

Please refer to the following for Japanese version (partial excerpts) .
The Japanese version is the original, and the English version is provided for reference only.
If there is a conflict between these two languages, the Japanese version takes precedence.
Established: November 15, 2021
Revision Date: October 17, 2023


本服务条款原文为日文,此文件为汉语翻译。日文版是原版,中文版为翻译,仅做参考。 在这两种语言版之间存在矛盾时,以日文版的内容为准。当您向 SUPPORT 行政书士法人以及SG咨询株式会社(以下略称,本公司)委托时,请务必确认以下注意事项。请您在确认,并接受以下注意事项的情况下进行委托。


(1)我司接到申请人(包括其代理人,以下相同)的正式委托(提交已签署的 「估价函【兼申请书】」)或通过填写我司规定的网络申请表(以下简称,网络申请表)完成申请,以下统称委托)后,我司会发送受任通知电子邮件(代表我司接受委托意向的电子邮件,以下相同),视为委托合同正式成立。我司将根据委托合同,提供工作直到服务截止日期(我们为所请求的工作提供服务截止日期,在估价函【兼申请书】以及网络申请表中指定,以下相同)。 但是,如果委托工作在服务截止日期之前完成,委托合同将于工作完成之日终止。此外,如果在服务截止期限到来之后发生我司完成委托业务所需的业务(例如,申请后的更正/许可接收),我们将免费应对。
(2)委托我司时,我司会更具情况要求申请人或其他相关人员(以下简称 “申请人等”)出示身份证明。如果我司无法核实申请人等身份或不符合必要要求时,我司有酌情拒绝的权利。原则上,委托是与申请的业务(以下简称”委托业务”)有,有关的申请权限的人(以下简称 “申请人”)实行。代理人委托申请(代理申请)时,代理人应有权代理并遵守承担基于本服务条款所规定的关于代理申请的所有责任。代理申请时,我司会向申请人确认申请意向。如果申请人同时也代表亲属申请时,应向亲属全员获得申请委托的同意后,各自分别向本公司委托。我司应申请人的要求,制作委托申请时所需要的资料(包括获得所需的证明书)并且代理递交申请。如果在委托申请时出现特殊的业务(包括不许可的对应情况等),则需另行委托申请。
(3)关于通过网络申请表签订委托合同:在收到申请人的委托后,我司会自动发送申请回执电子邮件,但此时委托合同尚未签订。 只有在我司发送受任通知电子邮件的情况下,该委托合同才会在相关受任通知电子邮件到达时签订。 我司可以自行决定不发送受任通知邮件,例如,申请条件不满足要求和文件不到位,我们将不对该委托开展工作,也不对其执行负责。此外,申请人应以自己的名义并在自己的权限范围内执行网络申请表上的操作,并承担由此产生的一切责任。我司认为委托者在网络申请表中的意向声明是由申请者本人在其适当和有效的授权范围内作出的。


(2)申请人应被视为已将向行政机关申请(包括向出入国管理局的申请)的所有权力委托给我司及我司所属的行政书士。关于委托业务的申请方法(例如,是否由本人申请或代理递交申请,柜台递交申请或邮寄或电子方式提出申请)应由我司决定,申请人应遵守该决定。我司不接受任何不真实的文件。 如果在进行委托业务的服务过程中,向我司提供的信息有变化时,申请人应及时向我司通知。如果申请人等向我司作出虚假或隐瞒关于对委托业务有影响的事项以及未及时告知我司从而导致的对申请人等造成的损失或不利因素时,我司一概不负责,因此导致委托业务的不成功,申请人也应承担并支付本公司的全部佣金(已支付的佣金概不退还)。


(1)申请人等应将我司向申请人等披露的与申请内容有关的非公开信息视为保密信息,但事先得到我司书面同意的情况除外。此外,我司向申请人等提供的申请表、报告书以及其他文书、资料等交付物(以下简称 “交付物”)的所有权利(包括版权和商标权等知识产权,以及隐私权和公开权)均属于我司,申请人等只能为申请目的使用。未经我司许可,申请人等不得复制、转载、引用或提供部分或全部交付物(用于申请目的除外)。 如有复制、转载、引用或因此造成第三方的权利或利益受到侵害时,我司可以向申请人等所要赔偿。如果申请人等在委托申请的目的范围内使用交付物,申请人应自行承担风险,我司不对与此使用有关且对申请人等造成的任何损害或不利承担责任。委托业务完成后,在一定时间内,我司将处理与委托业务相关的资料文件。


(1)原则上,我司的酬金由「着手金」以及「成功报酬金」组成。「着手金」在签订委托合同时支付,无论委托结果如何,均不退还。如果在规定时间内没有收到定金,我司不执行委托业务,在一定期限后没有收到定金时我司将视为委托合同作废。如果在部分或全部的委托业务成功(如批准或通过)或委托业务完成时,需支付 「报酬金」。但是,如果因申请人的虚假或隐瞒而导致申请不成功(如不批准或不通过)时,则应支付全部的报酬金。
(3)申请人应承担执行所申请工作的实际费用[向行政机关支付的申请费以及取得的各种证书的费用]。如果在执行委托工作时需要出差,或者申请人希望以普通邮寄以外的方式邮寄等情况,需事先通知申请人后,必须承担每日津贴、交通费、住宿费和邮寄费(摩托车配送服务、 国际邮寄等)。


(2)我司和申请人可提前一个月以书面形式通知对方解除合同等。 在此情况下,根据上述第 4 条第(2)款的规定,根据截至解除合同时的工作量等结算实际报酬。 实际报酬的金额由我司自行决定,申请人应遵照执行。


①法令違反・犯罪行為に関連する行為 ②公序良俗に違反する行為 ③弊社又は弊社サービスの他の利用者その他の第三者(以下まとめて「弊社等」)の著作権等の知的財産権・肖像権・プライバシーの権利・名誉・その他の権利又は利益を侵害する行為 ④弊社等に対して、コンピューターウィルスその他有害なプログラム等を送信する行為、又、弊社等のサーバーやネットワーク等を攻撃・妨害・破壊する行為(不要な大容量データの送信、情報の改ざん又は不正アクセス等の不適切行為を含む)⑤弊社等の事業運営・サービス提供等を妨害する他、弊社等に何らかの不利益・損害・不快感を与える行為 ⑥他人その他適切な権限ある者になりすまして弊社サービスに申込又は利用する行為 ⑦弊社に対して事実に反する情報・虚偽情報を提供する行為 ⑧弊社サービスを通じて提供する情報(弊社ホームページに公開する情報を含む)の全部又は一部について営利目的・商業目的で利用(再販売を含む)する行為 ⑨上記各号に類する行為


(1)本公司根据[隐私政策(https://www.shigyo.co.jp/privacy)]使用申请人等的个人信息。 申请人等应在认真确认并同意本政策的内容后提出申请,申请人在申请时应被视为同意本政策。 申请人事先同意,我司可以在我司的网站和宣传册上公布客户的反馈和结果。

8. 声明   

(1)关于委托业务的结果、完成的时间、发放许可证等时间(包括在留卡)、以及开始营业开始时间一概不负责任。关于委托业务申请进行时无法获得所需的必要的材料以及信息时、无法获得在取得该材料后到申请截止日期为止的充分准备时间时、或申请人等未按照预先确定的业务程序时,从而导致给申请人等造成的损失以及不利,对此我司不承担任何责任。 由于我司无法控制的原因,如自然灾害、传染病流行、法律法规的颁布或废除、交通封闭等不可抗力、邮递延误或丢失等事故、通信障碍问题(包括电子邮件地址不一致或因接收环境导致的电子邮件无法送达)、未经授权访问等信息泄露等,我司不承担任何责任。 我司对因其无法控制的原因而造成的任何损害或不利情况不承担责任。


(1)我司和申请人应负责赔偿对方因违反合同或本使用条款(以下统称为 “合同”)的任何规定而造成的损失。需要赔偿的范围仅限于给对方造成的明显损失,对于特殊损失,包括利润损失和间接损失,无论是否可以预见,都不负责赔偿。赔偿金最高上限为每份合同的酬金或100万日元其中的较低金额。 如果在委托业务进行过程中,申请人等委托给我们的任何物品(包括证书)有损坏或丢失,如果该物品可以重新获得,我们将赔偿申请人等重新获得该物品的实际费用,如果该物品无法重新获得,则最高赔偿10万日元。



  • 在委托归化业务过程中,如果申请未被批准,将全额退还。如有不真实的申报以及有隐瞒事实真相等情况,以及申请后超过2年的业务,无论结果如何,我司将不予退款。


  • 关与在留资格资格的费用为,收到由出入国管理局发放的预期许可通知书(明信片)后支付。在确认付款后,我们将向申请人交付在留卡或者在留资格认定证明书。如果申请人希望通过邮寄或向申请人以外的人交付证书,我们将不对给申请人造成的任何损害或不利负责。 如果申请人希望以普通邮件以外的任何方法递送文件,应事先通知申请人,并要求其承担这种递送方法的实际费用。


  • 关与在留资格资格的费用为,收到由出入国管理局发放的预期许可通知书(明信片或邮件)后支付。在确认付款后,我们将向申请人交付在留卡或者在留资格认定证明书。如果申请人希望通过邮寄或向申请人以外的人交付证书,我们将不对给申请人造成的任何损害或不利负责。 如果申请人希望以普通邮件以外的任何方法递送文件,应事先通知申请人,并要求其承担这种递送方法的实际费用。


  • 报酬按一个区域的一个申请类型计算。 申请书制作和申请代理服务不包括对申请期限的调查和管理,申请人要自己负责对期限的调查和管理。如果由于某种原因无法如期申请定期型投标资格,双方应无异议反对任何时候在下一次的经常性受付型申请。 倘若服务内容包含申请到期日的调查和管理服务,原则上每两周进行一次调查,并将结果报告给申请者。我司资料交付(完成物)后,必须在我司提出确认要求后的3个工作日内(我司标准/除非另有指示)通知我司确认结果(如果希望进行修改,则通知任何修改的内容)。 如果没有收到通知,我司将认为内容没有问题。


  • 申请是根据申请人等的申请表格的内容进行。我司对与所填信息如邮箱地址或申请人等错误的信息被认证以及电力公司无法连接的情况导致对所填信息有任何损害或不利情况我司一律不承担任何责任。如果该申请因任何原因无法进行时,此后后毫不拖延地进行,双方均应无异议。信息提供服务并不等于需进行详尽的调查和提供最新信息。


  • 调查当日,我司将根据通过调查和与行政机构面谈(电话、传真、访问查询和行政网站搜索)获得的信息以及对标的物业进行的现场勘测(但根据具体情况,可能不会进行现场勘测),编写并交一份重要事项说明书。我司进行的现场勘测是简单的目视勘测,不涉及挖掘、测量或进入建筑物。我司可能会酌情对道路宽度等进行测量,但这只是近似测量,以确保与行政数据没有明显差异,因此申请人应自行检查实际道路宽度等。
  • 根据我司的判断,我司可以在必要的范围内进入标的物的房舍、公共区域等,以执行所要求的工作。 申请人有责任在向我们提交申请之前,事先与必要的各方进行沟通和协调。
  • 使用我司交付的重要事项说明书时,请结合使用时的法律规定和行业惯例、标的物的实际情况、合同当事人的属性和合同内容等,进行必要的修改后再使用。我司不对重要事项说明书的内容的适用性、以及与现场实际不符或其他一切相关的损害负责。此外,向行政机构等进行调查可能需要时间,我们无法保证在申请人要求的交付日期(包括估价函【兼申请书】」或网络申请表中所述的希望交货日期和预计交付日期)之前交付,我们对交付货日期不承担任何责任。

11. 服务条款的调整及其他注意事项

(1)如果希望更改或是调整服务条款细则,可以另外制定与本服务条款不同的特别条款。 在这种情况下,特别条款及内容则优先採用。